The Gif that was put on the Net by my friend Jeff P. was painted by a lady who can paint pictures of people who are not in the physical form. Her name is Celaya Winkler and she is probably dead by now. I once visited a person by the name of Ida Partridge the widow of Samuel Partridge of California. Ida allowed me to video tape a lot of the pictures that were painted by Celaya. The Gif that was put on the Net was Ashtar's picture. It is seen in a lot of places now.
Now we'll go to the information about Ashtar again.................... ........................................................................
The Etherians
In 1958 Trevor James released They Live in the Sky, published by Dr. Franklin Thomas through New age Publishing Company. The book contained several fascinating and informative interviews with Ashtar. Mr. James poses direct questions to the Commander:
Question: "Are you etheric beings? Or are you possessed of a fleshly physical body such as mine?
Ashtar: "I am etheric. I do not have a fleshly body like yours, bounded by flesh. But it is possible for me to make my being visible to your optics by certain changes in its vibratory rate."
Q: "This would mean, then, that your are normally invisible to us?"
A: "Yes."
If we take Ashtar at his word, we have explanations for some of the alleged encounters with space beings, and also for the fact that both ships and contrilling intelligences are known to be invisible on occasions. These beings can convert to a vibratory rate where they are visible to us, but normally belong in a higher vibration.
Q: "As you are an etheric being, are other etheric beings visible to you?"
A: "Yes, although not exactly in terms of optical vison as you know it."
It was about eighteen months after this communication had been received that I gained a rather startling proof of its validity. I paid a call on a distinguished European lady in Los Angeles withan international reputation as a seer and psychic. Discussing various aspects of her faculty with me and answering my questions, she suddenly sat bolt upright in her chair. "Have you ever had any contact with any non-physical beings?" he asked, with a smile. I replied that I had, but could not be completely sure.
Seh then said, "There is a magnificent looking being standing beside you, and he communicates to me that his name is Ashtar. Do you know him?"
I replied that he personality was familiar, and she gave me a full description of him as she saw him clairvoyantly. Seven feet or so tall, extremely stern, helmeted, and giving the impression of being a sort of military man.
This was extremely interesting insofar as Ashtar had described himself as the Commandant, Vela Quadra Sector, Realms of Schare, All Projections, All Waves," and therefore would probably be military type of being.
JW For some reason or another that remind we of a time I was taken on a field trip by a nice gentleman and he said that a spaceman was seated by me that I couldn't see and this person was wearing a helment and then later it felt as if a helmet was placed on my head. Could it be him or one of his friends?
Part 4.
Source Of Information: UNSOLVED UFO SIGHTINGS AND OTHER UNEXPLAINED MYSTERIES, SPRING 1995. The article was compiled by Timothy Green Beckley.
John Winston.
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